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About WSI

Strategic System

  • Mission
    Train global talents of creativeness and practical capability with the right personality and self-directed leadership
  • Vision
    Excellent College for Leading Masters of Korea
  • 3 Strategic Directions
    Advancement of educational quality Increase of educational base
  • 9 Strategies
    Advancement of educational quality management / Expansion of on-site centric curriculum / Activation of industrial + global connection process Increase of support system / Enhancement of educational-industrial cooperation employment / Formation of characterization exclusive organization Establishment of mission and development plan / Securing management and financials / Increase administrative convenience
  • 54 Detailed Tasks
    54 Detailed tasks to achieve 9 strategies

3 Strategic Directions

교육목표:바르고 참된 직업인으로서의 기본 소양교육,미래변화를 창조적으로 주도하는 창의력 교육, 글로벌시대의 통섭력을 배양하는 국제화 교육, 지식정보의 활용능력을 배양하는 정보화 교육,산업맞춤형 직무능력을 배양하는 실용교육 / 3대 전략 방향교육 / 품질의 선도화 : 高 품질 교육 제공을 통한 유수 신입생 유치 활성화 우수 교원 확보 및 관리와 특성화 교육 활성화를 통한 경쟁력 있는 교육 제공 우수신입생 확보 및 관리를 통해 기술과 인성을 갖춘 인재 양성 / 교육기반의 고도화 교육환경 개선을 통한 학업 능력 및 학생 취업률 제고 교육시설 및 부대 시설 개선을 통해 행복한 환경에서 학생이 학업에 전념할 수 있는 환경 조성 산업체와의 Network구성을 통해 산업체에서 원하는 인성을 갖춘 인재를 배출 / 대학 운영의 효율화 효율적인 학교 운영을 통한 대학 경쟁력 제고 투명하며 효율적 학교 운영을 통한 학교  재정 건전성 강화 및 예산의 효과적 집행 지속적인 지표관리를 통해 학교 경쟁력 제고

9 Strategies

9대 전략군
Strategy directions Strategies
Advancement of educational quality management
  1. Advancement of educational quality management: Be established as a well-teaching college by enhancing capability of professors as world-level
  2. Expansion of on-site centric curriculum: Complete college characterization system through job training of differentiated knowledge and functionality
  3. Activation of “industrial + global” connection process: Continue college development by securing and managing excellent talents
Increase of educational base
  1. Increase of support system (degree system + student support): Create environment where students can study happy and conveniently
  2. Enhancement of educational-industrial cooperation employment: Be innovated as continuously developing college as educational-industrial cooperation sharing intellectual asset
  3. Formation of characterization exclusive organization: Train competitive talents in rapidly changing IT & information era
Efficient operation of the college
  1. Characterization centric department reorganization & quota adjustment: Secure educational competitiveness by establishing college characterization
  2. Administrative efficiency & systemization of personnel appraisal: Implement efficient operation and financial transparency
  3. Computerization & systemization (on-line): Implement professional administration service for students to focus on studying