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Campus Life

Meeting with Affiliated Corporations File

Category : | Writer : 관리자 | Date : 2019.10.10 | View : 5,840


College President (Jeong Sangji) had a consultation meeting with affiliated corporations on 11:40 AM, 2019 October 4th on the 13th floor Woosong Tower located in west campus. 


This agreement is one of the School and Industry cooperation projects that focuses on job training and cultural transfer that seeks bilateral cooperation. Its purpose is to create human infrastructure in education and contributes regional development. Another purpose of this meeting is to foster outstanding human resources and provide the right work force.  


The main issues on this agreement were Regional development and job creation on demand. Student field placements on job sites Mutual development of both school and industry and improving cooperation. Industrial cooperation and expansion process in Industry, School and Public Offices In the meeting, CEO Yun Tongseop from Vision Semicon and President Choi, Cheolwon from Wooju air travel agency attended along with 9 other representatives from affiliated corporations.   


College President Jeong, Sangjik expressed gratitude to representatives from affiliated corporations to give opportunities to students, and added that he will do his best to train our students as the best craftsmen in Korea. Yun Tongseop from Vision Semicon responded that through this meeting with Woosong which specialized in many characterized fields, both the corporation and school should  be ready for the fourth industry and create practical job focused education that boosts regional economic development and fosters job creation.